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Who Am I?

Hello My name is MegaZard☆X☆ and and I love talking about Nintendo related news, gaming stuff, Anime and Marvel stuff! Here you will be able to see news updates on my YouTube channel, be able to have access to all of my social media outlets all in one source, and whatever else I feel like mentioning here.



As some of yall may or may not know I am a huge anime fan! For the longest time the only anime I used to watch while I was a kid was Pokémon and Dragon Ball Z. At the time I only thought of them as TV shows and not much in the avenue of actual animes. Once I began my college life it wasn't till then when I heard one of my friends talk about an anime called "Fairy Tale" and I would consider that as the founding father anime that brought me into the world of anime and the rest is history. So once I started my YouTube channel I made it one of my focuses on my channel to try and review a couple of anime each season. I reviewed Dr. Stone S1, Fire Force S1, My Hero Academia S4, Railgun T, Re: Zero etc. If you are interested in any of those series you can check out all of my reviews on my YouTube channel!


From the time I was roughly 5 years old I grew up with a Nintendo Entertainment System and a Nintendo 64. So I have always been a strong Nintendo fan at heart for most of my life. One of my favorite games of all time would still have to be super Mario 64 but I still ran across a multitude of great games since that day. My current console I have now is my Nintendo Switch and I love discussing news topics about it when Nintendo reveals anything big. On my Youtube channel I have covered most Nintendo directs in terms of reactions and discussions on them. I also will upload funny gaming sessions I have with some of my friends on my channel as well. Some examples of these include my Cards Against Humanity series, and Among Us series. I also take the time out to discuss any gaming Topics I feel like discussing for upcoming games along with games that have already released.













Now I am a pure die hard Marvel fan at heart ever since I watched the first 2 Iron man movies I have been drawn into the MCU ever since. One of the reasons why I feel personally attached to it besides the fact that it has all of these cool super heroes in it is the way how they tell a bigger story in all of these individual movies that spanned across 10 years for the first saga being the Infinity saga which consisted of phases 1-3. If it wasn't already clear Iron Man is my all time favorite Marvel Hero with Spider man coming in as my 2nd.  Now while my YouTube channel hasn't focused on a lot of Marvel content, I have done a Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 let's play with one of my friends on my channel.  I have also  been patiently waiting for the start of phase 4 to begin so I can review new MCU movies along with new Disney+ MCU shows. 



My Name

Is MegaZard☆X☆





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